I am at Tina's residens in Bergen. We have been up two times this night to shift the car. Our genious parking spot had an exceptance between 8-10 am, so we had to find another place for two hours! Tina has already made me watch elephantmating on youtube and she cracked the egg with her forhead. Am am looking forward to see how this day is going to turn out. It is briiiiiight sunshine and blue sky, so we are lucky!
hørtes jo kult ut, men må vel di jeg lurer på hvor dette passer inn i konseptet til siden...
SvarSlettjeg hadde glemt å logge av, så blogget tina på min blogg, og viste ikke at jeg hadde tilgang til to blogger, så den endte på feil sted..:P
SvarSlettah...da forstår jeg...