Dagens bibelord kortversjon

lørdag 23. april 2011

Påske meg her og påske meg der.

Når jeg var liten gikk jeg på offentlig skole, noe som til tider førte til att jeg lærte ting om kristendom som ikke nødvendigvis rimer, kanskje fordi bare deler av verset kom med i læreboka. Jeg vil nå utfordre alle til å ta en titt på barnelærdommen, og sjekke om den stemmer med den store kloke boken.

Her er to eksempler jeg har oppdaget fra min egen skolegang, som omhandler, nettopp påsken.

1: Hvorfor feirer vi påske?
Skolesvar: Fordi jesus døde på korset og er oppstanden...
Bibelen: Påsken er en høytid som feires i forbindelse med utvandringen av egypt. Det står også att dette skal være den første måneden i året. 2. mosebok kapittel 12
Skolesvaret her er kanskje ikke helt feil, men i bestefall veldig tynnt.

2. Hvor lenge lå jesus i graven?
Skolesvar: Fra langfredag til påskesøndag.
Matteus 12:40:for som profeten Jona var tre dager og tre netter i den store fiskens buk, slik skal Menneskesønnen være tre dager og tre netter i jordens dyp.

Nå kan det hende att jeg er dårlig til å telle, men hvis noen av dere klarer å skvise 3 dager og 3 netter mellom fredag søndag morgen, så blir jeg temmlig impregnert. eller no.

En ting til nå bare, før jeg hopper til køys, prøv å sammenlign behandlingen påskelammet skal få, med behandlingen jesus fikk i løpet av påsken. Eventuelle funn kan med fordel legges inn som kommentar.

God påske

fredag 15. april 2011


Before building a house, several processes need to be undertaken. One paramount task is drawing up
blueprints and plans.

When we were building a few years ago, mum would inspect the construction site. Let’s just say she
often managed to find things she didn’t like and the workers had to “make adjustments” to a wall, or
a window placement. Eventually, the workers would say: “Bonjour Madame! What do we demolish

In construction, things never go according to plan.

What about our life?

Hva er planen? Is there a Plan B?

We mess up. That’s life. I know I’ve made mistakes and bad choices in my life – and chances are I’ll make
more... I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if I’d done this, or hadn’t done that. I’ve
realized that those thoughts will eventually stop me from living a full life, learning from the past, asking
for and accepting God’s forgiveness and leaving things in His hands.

We can’t live life on “what-ifs”.

Each day offers new opportunities. Although we cannot change the past, God has the love, grace and
power to use the past to make us stronger, carve our character and turn situations around.

Every morning God has the ability to draw up a new blueprint for our lives.

We need to trust the Great Architect’s vision.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans
to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Don’t dwell on yesterday.

There’s always today.

Skrevet av Jennifer

torsdag 7. april 2011

Do and say...

A guy came to his pastor and said, «Reverend, I only have one talent».
The pastor asked, «What’s your talent»?
The man said, «I have the gift of criticism».
The pastor was wise and replied, «The Bible says that the guy who had only one talent went out and buried it. Maybe that’s what you ought to do with yours»...

Why I chose to post this story, is because we all as humans tend to be critical of everything. Either it be something someone does, wears, the way something looks or feels. Whatever it is, we evaluate it, and often criticize as well.

My challenge to myself and to all of you is to think twice before you say something negative to or about others or about things in general. Isn't is just so much better to hear a compliment in stead of a critical comment? Or to hear someone turn your view of something around by seeing the positive side of it? "Do unto others as you yourself wish to be treated..."

lørdag 2. april 2011

My way or the highway

I don't like the idea of leaving it up to God to decide how life will be lived optimally for me. I'm worried he's gonna choose a life for me that I don't like, that I don't want. I know what I want, I want this and that, most of which is not compatible with a Christian life. What if I don't want to do what God has planned for me?
Solution: Don't ask God to change your life, ask God to change your heart, so that you'll want the things he want. What if I don't like it? You will, cause when he changes your heart, his way is exactly what you'll want:)